Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Republicans deny democracy in Ohio, again

How does the Republican Party show its disdain for democracy? Let me count the ways…Damn! I cannot count that high!

Here in Ohio our Republican gerrymandered super-majority legislature just voted to call for a special election on August 8. The purpose of the election is to vote to amend the Ohio Constitution to make it harder for citizens to make future changes in it. Among other things, it would take a 60% yes vote to amend the constitution instead of the present (and for the last 100 years) 50%.

Why the rush to put this proposal up in August, especially when about 6 months ago, Republicans were against holding special elections in August except under certain well-defined circumstances? Because if enough signatures are gathered in the next few weeks, Ohioans will be voting in November on an amendment that would assure access to abortions in Ohio. (That’s simplifying it, but it works for my purposes here.) A 60% threshold would make such an amendment much harder to pass. But a 60% threshold, if more than 50% of the votes cast are yes, would result in minority rule on abortion rights…something we already are subject to, are we not?

Despite widespread opposition to the measure—including by former Ohio Governors and Attorneys General of both parties—the Ohio legislature and Governor DeWine will not be denied what they thirst for, kicked in their asses as they are by Ohio right-to-life and pro-gun lobbies (“politics makes strange bedfellows,” you know) that fear the majority. (Let’s make sure babies are born so they can be gunned down in school, perhaps?)

Well, we ought not be surprised. It’s just business as usual for our unrepresentative representatives in Columbus.

Sorry if this post is a bit chaotic. It’s written out of incredulous frustration and even fear at the direction these yokels are taking us. I am disgusted in so many ways I cannot count them, either.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

"Some victory for humanity"


In today’s Writer’s Almanac, Garrison Keillor reports the following about Horace Mann, “the father of American public education”:

When he left politics, (Mann) moved to Ohio to accept a position as president of Antioch College. “I beseech you to treasure up in your hearts these my parting words,” he told one graduating class: “Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.”

At my age, those words struck me hard: ashamed to die. Whoever considered being ashamed to die? Maybe being willing to die, or afraid to die. But ashamed to die? What shame can there be in dying? We all do it.

Have I ever in all my years won any victory for humanity? That’s a question I’d rather excuse myself from having to answer. I suppose I’ve helped one or two humans win a personal victory or two in my eight decades. But a victory for humanity? Not even close. And I do not have much time left.

Some part of Mann’s condemnation makes sense to me, and even motivates me. What, if anything, might I yet do to “win a victory for humanity?” Horace Mann’s challenge will not easily leave me.

In the meantime--or better in the eternity that holds time in their hands--I believe I am loved by a Savior who at my end will deliver me from any and all shame. Love overcomes shame. I work on whatever victories I might achieve assured of love. And you can, too.

P.S.: Here’s another line from Horace Mann that seems particularly relevant to our times: “If any man seeks greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both.” I know you want to make it more inclusive, and that’s okay. I’d like to reformulate it this way: “If any nation seeks greatness, let it forget greatness and ask for truth, and it will find both.” Make of that what you will.