Another day, another shooting in a public place. Maybe more than one such shooting: the day isn't over yet.
What I am thinking is so obvious that I shouldn't have to say it, but lots of folks don't get it, so here goes: the more the crazies in the gun lobby have gained control over our politicians, the more vulnerable the rest of us have become. In the eyes of gun nuts and political nuts alike we ordinary citizens are expendable–sacrificial lambs upon the altar of erroneous readings of the Second Amendment. It's our very own home-grown form of terrorism, carried out (often) by suicide shooters.
Guns, by themselves, don't kill people. People kill people, and Americans with guns kill lots of people. Limiting the number of people is problematical; limiting the number and availability of guns is a matter of political smarts and will. We can do that, and we must.
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of today's violence. My anger is with those who stonewall against doing anything to reduce the likelihood such violence will continue to plague us.
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