I am appalled that our nation has reached the point where the sitting president, defeated in an election which was fair and free by all known measures, invites protesters to fill the streets of Washington while Congress in joint session meets to accept the results of the Electoral College. And, apparently, plans to speak to those protesters, thereby demonstrating his support of them.
Tomorrow, Electoral College report day, is also Epiphany, the day Christians mark the visit of the Wise Men to the infant Jesus. Their visit aroused the ire of the tyrant under whom the Jews were living, resulting in the brutal murder by the state of all children in the area under two years of age. Herod was frightened by the challenger to his authority, and he was furious.
As Epiphany approaches, I can think of no more fitting description of what we are going through than the following stanza of the ancient carol, "Lully, Lulla."
Herod the king, in his raging
Charge-ed he hath this day
His men of might in his own sight
All young children to slay.
I am praying that wisdom and the wise will prevail. I am praying that the sword of unfounded allegations will not slay our democracy.
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