Thursday, July 19, 2018

Keep off the translator!

Forcing, or even expecting, the translator to reveal what was said at the Trump-Putin summit feels akin to blaming a messenger for the bad news he or she brings. It’s making the lowest person in the pecking order the fall guy/gal for the bad behavior of those whom they serve. I am sure President Trump would love to see the focus shift from him to someone who was just doing their job, and who, so far as anyone knows, did it the way it was supposed to be done. It is, after all, the way corporate America works, and we are eager to run this government like a business, aren’t we?

No President, beginning with this one right now, should ever be able to hold such an important meeting as that was with no one else present in the room. This is not Donald Trump’s country for him to do with as he pleases. It is OUR country, and he is there to serve ALL of US, as is everyone who works with him. His advisors should say “no” next time he tries something like the summit with Putin, and if he won’t take that advice, they should resign then and there.

Democrats and others: get ever this one. Leave the translator out of it.