Monday, August 22, 2016

The Frustrating Hillary Clinton

I probably don't need to make public the fact that I plan to vote for Hillary Clinton in November. Not only do I think she is by far the best qualified candidate to serve as President, I also believe a Trump presidency would be disastrous for our country and world and the things I care about. And I am among those who believe that voting for either of the oft-mentioned third-party choices is not the way to go. Not only are they sadly lacking in qualifications, but Hillary Clinton will need every vote she can get to make it clear that our country does not want Donald Trump in the White House.

But I really wish there were something Ms. Clinton would or could do to make it easier for me to vote for her. For example, the email controversy. That it won't go away is in some ways as much her fault as it is the fault of her detractors. No doubt, there are people out to "get" her,  and they will not stop until they do.

Why did she use a personal email server in the first place? I've never understood it. You are one of the most influential persons in the whole world engaging in online communications about matters upon which the fate of millions depends, and you write from your home email? Come on!

But she did it. And now she tends to say things that make it worse, either because they are later shown to be untrue, or because they try to cast the blame somewhere other than with her. The latest example is claiming Colin Powell said it was okay. Did you ever let your kids off the hook because someone told them to do something they shouldn't have done? After a while most of us learn (usually the hard way) that such excuses hardly ever work. No she and Powell are into a "did not/did too/did not/did too" exercise.

I like Hillary Clinton for President. I like her a lot. But she is really frustrating...and the only real choice I have.

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