Thursday, June 21, 2018

Suffer the little children to suffer

Our daughter told us last night about trying to explain the meaning of life to our 7-year-old granddaughter in response to a question she had asked.
My doctor this morning proudly showed me pictures of his 2-month-old grandson, happily snuggled in the arms of his loving parents (and grandfather). Years of questions to be faced!

All children are born with a basic human right to tender and responsive parental love. Sadly, not all parents are capable or available to give it. That void is never, ever the child’s fault.

But when our government denies that fundamental right to children because they belong to a class of people then the fault is only the government’s. It will have to answer in the court of human decency. 

I am ashamed of and angry about this mess foisted upon us by a dysfunctional political system and a cynical and heartless administration. Yesterday’s Executive Order does little to address the current situation, and even threatens to make it worse. We should be, we can be, we must be better than this, even while securing our borders and doing justice.

Has America grown weary of making even the feeblist attempts to do right by all people? Are we choosing to inflict suffering upon the most vulnerable because our fear of the future has overwhelmed our desire to do good? Is that what the 2016 election was really all about? Today, it surely seems so.

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